Get a grip

By Hopelesshomeless - 12/03/2013 18:35 - United States - Cedar Rapids

Today, I moved back to my home town. My best friend and I had arranged to rent a house together that we both liked. I finished my last day at work and made the three-hour drive, only for her to break down and tell me that she isn't "ready" to move out of her parents' basement. She's 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 190
You deserved it 2 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ninjaqueen101 18
a_lenzmeier 11

How could she do that? She already thought her friend was a hundred percent sure, hence the arrangement. It's not her fault her friend flaked last minute.


You can always move in anyway and find a new roommate. I heard all the best ones advertise on Craigslist. I'd head straight for the "women seeking women" section.

sofitina 20

Well, you can't really do much about it at the moment. You could wait for her to be ready're in the house by yourself or if it's a question of money issues, find another roommate for the time being.

You probably don't want to share the responsibility of a house with her.

perdix 29

Maybe she thinks you are hotter than her and that you'll steal her boyfriends. Also, you probably don't do her laundry as well as Mom does.

Perdix, I believe you made perfect contact with the head of that nail.

baileygirl88 8

I feel for you, OP. it's rough when you don't understand how someone can feel the way they do. I'm 25 and have been on my own for 4 years now and would hate to go back to my parents. Hopefully she will change her mind if you talk to her and let her know that you are there for her and to help her through this time in life. It's not easy to move out and become a real adult but its necessary!!!

Due to today's economy it makes more sense. I was on my own for 6 years and recently moved back w my parents when my landlord sold the house and broke the lease agreement. Working full time it was still hard to make all my bills I had little left for groceries or anything else. Since moving back home I am able to finish school and have plenty of money Plus it's nice to have someone there when I get home. I plan to stay until I save enough to buy a house Everyone's different op! If you can't do it on your own, perhaps ur not ready either

There's a million nice (creepy) FMLers who would gladly drive to go room with you and share the rent. Yes, I'm one of them. I can board a bus by morning.

Second page by one comment. Dang it 21.

This is just one example of why best friends should not live together. It almost always ends badly.

BellaBelle_fml 23

My husband is my best friend, should I not live with him?

That's a stupid reply. My fiance is also my best friend. I meant friends from high school or college, but let's go splitting hairs now shall we?

BellaBelle_fml 23

Then you should have been more specific. It just seemed to be too broad of a statement that isn't always true with every case. I have lived with a few of my best friends at different times. And it never turned our relationship sour. If anything we grew closer due to not only our proximity, but also because we had to share each other's burdens and the financial responsibility of paying rent and other necessities. It had always bothered me when someone would say something like that because I knew it to be false from experience. I was merely trying to point out that, that form of logic isn't always correct and that it was somewhat flawed. Perhaps I should have more specific in my own comment as well. Also, my husband was one of my best friend in high school before we ever started dating, which was not until after college.

Or, you just took it too literally. Calm your shit haha! It was a generalization! I've had it go both ways. If you get stuck with a roommate that doesn't pull their own weight it gets more than frustrating picking up their slack. I could only hope that people are as lucky as us to have their best friend be their partner as well. The added benefit to that being you know your live in buddy is awesome.

kishorekumar_a 10

25 - But they have not even started living together.

I never said they did. Sometimes things just don't pan out, even before youve started. That's life. Now, it'd be super great if everyone stopped over analyzing other people's comments; IT'S AN ENTERTAINMENT WEBSITE!

if she doesn't feel ready to move out yet, instead of throwing a hissy fit or finding someone else to move in with, try listing the good things about moving out, like girly nights in, not having to worry so much about coming back late after a night out. moving away from your family is a big step in one's life, so it's only natural to get nervous at the last minute. i can really relate to this, having moved 200 miles from my hometown to my fiancé's, so i feel for OPs mate :(

Shoot! If I knew how hard it was out here in the real world, I'd stay at home forever. JK :P the struggles are worth every cent being independent! Sorry about your friend reneging. Something that life changing should always have a back up plan laid out. You'll learn soon enough that you can only depend on yourself.