Get back to work

By MissIsabel - 03/11/2010 10:43 - France

Today, I went to Ikea with my family. I was wearing a yellow polo that vaguely looked like the ones the Ikea employees were wearing. Two dozen people came up to me, complaining that I was staring at furniture instead of helping customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 174
You deserved it 12 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell them to go complain to your manager! See how far that gets them.

knibbsy 4

Tell them you're retarded in a loud, nasally voice, and you only got hired so Ikea could promote an image of being an equal-opportunity employer.


maybe it's just me but that doesn't seem like much of a fml. o no people thought you looked like an employee your life is so horrible let's hope you don't misplace loose change and have no choice but to kill yourself.

This will suck if you ever decide you want to work for Ikea (if you don't have a job I mean) lol. They'll probably think you have horrible customer service (:

Right, because they'll remember that one person who wore a yellow polo on that one day and say to themselves, "Remember this one, never employ her."

mikejunior88 4

i went to walmart one day and i just happened to be wearing blue & black. i got 2 questions from random ppl.

did you do the proper thing and tell them it wasn't your department like the people that actually work there?

mikejunior88 4

exactly.. they wear blue & khaki and nametags. but ppl still asked me questions even tho i did not fit that criteria

i would calmly tell them to go f*** themselves

today I was trying to get a chair at ikea and everytime I asked a guy who working there he told he actually didn't. I needed a new chair! FML.

blo0_starZz 0

x') Considering I'm a very lame person, that cracked me up :p Then again, I'm probably high. On salt. From sunflower seeds. 0.o

princess579 0

i hate when this happens to me -.- dumbasses cant they c there is no name tag on da shirt!

Should have told people that they just need to write down the number of the item and go to the checkout and they will get it for you.

PeacheS_88 0

Ydi for wearing yellow... And for wearing a polo...

Apologise like crazy and tell them when they get to the register to use the password "snow" to get Bobby's employee discount. Then walk away to do something importaint.