Get on with it

By MyMomIsInsane - 10/03/2015 00:28 - United States - Uniontown

Today, my mom demanded that I go into the basement and fix the water heater. I told her that I had no idea how to fix it, so she threw my phone down the stairs, told me to Google it, and locked the basement door behind me. It's been two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 814
You deserved it 3 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. That's messed up 2. Google how to escape

1dvs_bstd 41

Some parents... how the **** are you supposed to know the problem? how in the blue hell are you supposed to fix it? She wants to turn you into an emergency plumber?.. wickedness. At least did she give you a 3D printer to print out the required tools?


time to google breaking down basement doors and dealing with abusive mothers

snarkytruth 37

Google local plumbers. Call a plumber with said phone if it still works after being thrown. Tell mom "problem solved" so she will let you out. Water heater fixed. Tell mom it would have cost a lot more if you had started tearing it apart to find the problem.

Break a window to get out. If she has a problem with it then tell her maybe she shouldn't have locked you in there.

vincifer 4