Giggles McGee

By Shitmetalseller - 02/08/2014 22:37 - United Kingdom - Wilmslow

Today, I managed to not laugh as a potential high-profile Italian client with a heavy accent repeatedly pronounced "sheet metal" as "shit metal". Unfortunately, my boss and a senior colleague couldn't contain their own laughter. We lost that deal, and our jobs are now endangered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 762
You deserved it 5 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Why is YOUR job on the line when THEY messed up?! :(

91hayek 31

because seniority is a bitch. Everyone gets the blame, but only the boss gets credit for anything good.

By association unfortunately. In any work environment the boss is head of department and if said boss causes a mishap, it's like they all did as a group. Some companies won't distinguish the difference.

Unfortunately that's the way the world works. I've never seen a manager take responsibility for anything he/she has done wrong. Chances are his boss will lie about the situation to save himself.

It could also be that the company was relying on that contract to stay afloat and OP meant that now everyone's job is on the line (not just OP and the laughers) because of the lost contract.

91hayek 31

What sort of business is this? Some teenagers trying to recycle metal with Italians? Your boss and co-workers need to grow up. Sorry that you're in trouble as well though.

If you've watched certain episodes of south park you'd expect that pronunciation from and Asian (No offense)

Okay, #14, two things: 1) Some offense was taken. Saying 'no offense' basically translates that what you wrote was offensive in some way 2) your comment didn't have much relation to the FML, so... What and why? Yeah, I'm Asian, and yes it's partially true for certain types with strong Asian accents, but the fact that you just HAD to bring it up that point directly is kind of offensive. Like, it's not just us with strong accents that mess up some words, so you shouldn't singularly pick Asians out. (I'll risk the incoming down votes. I don't have a stick up my ass or anything, I just thought I needed to speak my opinion here)

How old are they? 12yo? And let me guess none of those laughing morons speak any other languages, right? I really hope they all get fired

Saying yes? No? Doesn't make it any funnier ;)

llamarrama01 21

one mans laugh coets other mans job... in this case its your sheety boss.. sorry OP ...they dint deserve to be working with you..

CurlyQute 17

Well at least it wasn't your fault. Your were the professional one

kingdomgirl94 29

That's won't save his job for losing the deal though. Small comforts are no comfort at a time like this.

kingdomgirl94 29

... Clearly the first word there should not contain '"s". Damn you mobile.

Sorry to hear you're up sheets crick.