Gold diggers everywhere

By lucky? - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, some wisenheimer hacked my Facebook account and posted that I just won the Powerball. I now currently have 284 "friend" requests and 142 tags as "family". FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 522
You deserved it 369

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So you didn't win? Feel free to disregard my friend request.

really_dad? 14


neuronerd 28

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Show it anyway

So you didn't win? Feel free to disregard my friend request.

really_dad? 14

If you know them accept there friend requests and when they ask for money send them Monopoly money or a picture of a $100 bill

Tell your “friends” and “family” that your winnings are under “administrative hold” for 42 days, and that if they spot you cash now, you’ll pay them back tenfold in 42 days.

And don't forget to unfriend the newly found friends and family after they have helped you out "temporarily".

Oops! My mistake to omit the Bernie Madoff move on Day 41, as in, "Buh-bye losers, I just Madoff with all your cash!"


Hey. We need to get together some time and catch up :-)

Time to crack the knuckles and begin clicking "DENY"

onceuponatime456 16

Nobody "hacked" anything! You probably left the account open on a public computer or left your unsecured device where someone could get it!