
By MariahJoy97 - 10/12/2020 21:17 - United States - Center Point

Today, I've been awake for so long, I've started to hallucinate. I loudly screamed while sitting in the front row of my philosophy class of 200 students because I thought I saw the Tasmanian Devil zooming around the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 008
You deserved it 558

MariahJoy97 tells us more.

OP here. This actually happened a couple years ago. I was taking Adderall for ADHD and drinking an egregious amount of coffee. I would stay up for up to 6 days in a row on a regular basis because I was working almost full-time and taking 15 credits of heavy math and science classes and there was no time for sleep. I was going to school in LA and working on my undergrad degree in Biology. I moved back home to Iowa a year later and switched to nursing school which is 10x easier. I'm doing much better now. That wasn't my only hallucination though. I once sat in the middle of the road for several minutes waiting to turn into my apartment because I thought the parking lot entrance was being blocked by a guy wearing a giant easter bunny costume on a riding lawn mower XD

Top comments

Dude if you're that exhausted your not going to be getting anything out of being in class. Figure this out before you fall too far behind.

Didn't Rene Descartes say, "I think I see the Tasmanian Devil flying around, therefore I am seeing the Tasmanian Devil flying around?" It's been a while since I took philosophy.


Didn't Rene Descartes say, "I think I see the Tasmanian Devil flying around, therefore I am seeing the Tasmanian Devil flying around?" It's been a while since I took philosophy.

Dude if you're that exhausted your not going to be getting anything out of being in class. Figure this out before you fall too far behind.

Warp1978 15

Go to a sleep technician and get this sorted other wise get a doctors appointment and note explaining why you won't be able to attend for a couple of weeks while you sort out your circadian rhythm.

The question is, why are you sitting in a class with 200 people in the middle of a pandemic?

Because this site insists on the stupid "Today" thing no matter when things actually happened.

OP here. This actually happened a couple years ago. I was taking Adderall for ADHD and drinking an egregious amount of coffee. I would stay up for up to 6 days in a row on a regular basis because I was working almost full-time and taking 15 credits of heavy math and science classes and there was no time for sleep. I was going to school in LA and working on my undergrad degree in Biology. I moved back home to Iowa a year later and switched to nursing school which is 10x easier. I'm doing much better now. That wasn't my only hallucination though. I once sat in the middle of the road for several minutes waiting to turn into my apartment because I thought the parking lot entrance was being blocked by a guy wearing a giant easter bunny costume on a riding lawn mower XD

heartbreaker 12

Wow, and you were driving in that state of mind!?! Ay, atleast you did make changes. Hopefully you are healthy and using better judgement now!