He's doing fine

By SplitMind95 - 19/08/2016 03:20 - United States - Harrisburg

Today, I was on Tinder and only one girl matched with me. She gave me a "Super-Like" so I thought she must want to get to know each other and see what happens. Nope. She recognized me as the guy who adopted the stray cat she was taking care of last year, and just wanted to know how he was doing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 439
You deserved it 1 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe that was an ice breaker and she is interested too? And if not her, you'll find someone else. Don't give up!

Fair warning to anyone considering making a pussy/cat pun: I've laced the comments section with a genetic virus targeting posters of such comments. So no "but I thought Tinder was made for finding pussy" or else… no, not ME! I created yo—*choking sounds*


I personally don't see this as a FML, honestly I find it sweet that she bothered to check up on the cat. And don't you worry, eventually you will find love!

Maybe that was an ice breaker and she is interested too? And if not her, you'll find someone else. Don't give up!

Fair warning to anyone considering making a pussy/cat pun: I've laced the comments section with a genetic virus targeting posters of such comments. So no "but I thought Tinder was made for finding pussy" or else… no, not ME! I created yo—*choking sounds*

Purrfect. Your death will feed the trolls of FML for years to come.

but I thought Tinder was made for finding pussy ...Hmm, I guess he was ly - *silence*

If it's one thing a girl likes, its a guy with a sensitive side, and taking good care of a helpless creature showcases that. I think this is a great way to get to know someone, who knows what might happen?

was going to comment the same thing. genuinely curious about how the kitty is ^_^

it was a convo topic, she did want to get to know you, ya ****** up fam

Don't fret, it may just be an excuse to talk to you!

Invite her to your place for a cat visitation and lunch. Who knows you both may start something off.

As a cat lover myself, that sounds an awful lot like a shy attempt to start a conversation or get an invite over to see the cat. Reply with pictures of said cat.