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By Anonymous - 05/11/2014 22:52 - United States - Chestnut Hill

Today, I learned that the blisters that popped up this morning on my hands and feet are a result of a virus that takes two weeks to fully heal. After I told my roommates to be careful, one of them decided that NOW was a good time to tell us she had it last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 097
You deserved it 2 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you feel better OP. During those two weeks you should get a new roommate.


I hope you feel better OP. During those two weeks you should get a new roommate.

I agree. I'd be blistering mad to hear about that. I'm sorry the next two weeks are going to be bumpy for you, OP.

JuliaaNoelle 26

If only it were that easy to find a roommate in two weeks.

and this is why I actually try to monitor my roommates' lives at least slightly

How selfish of her to not tell anyone! I'm sorry to hear that

Your roommate sucks OP. Hope you feel better soon!

Your profile picture goes perfectly with this situation.

now would be the time to shake hands with everyone you don't like

budchickie 2

You obviously don't know how Ebola is contracted.

My daughter had the same sickness. Disinfect everything; it was horrible!