Healthy lifestyle choice

By Rowaelin16 - 23/09/2016 03:31 - United States - Crystal Lake

Today, in an effort to be fitter, I joined a Pilates class. Ten minutes into it, I dropped a 10-pound dumbbell on my face. I now have a horrific looking black eye, and half of my cheek is a mottled green color. Not to mention the cut above my eye that needed 4 stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 819
You deserved it 1 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A rule as a beginner is to start out slow. You need to use 2 - 5 lb weights before you move to 10lb weights.

Green and stitches... It's a bit early to dress up as Frankenstein... Hopefully you make a full recovery!


A rule as a beginner is to start out slow. You need to use 2 - 5 lb weights before you move to 10lb weights.

On the upside, you can sell the rights to your FML to be used as the worst super villain origin story. "We can reverse the process that left you horribly disfigured! If you just let the hostages go, we will develop a serum for your affliction!" "What? Oh, no, I just dropped a weight on my face while trying to work out." "…"

That must have been quite the eventful workout for you... seriously though, sounds painful. Feel better op

Green and stitches... It's a bit early to dress up as Frankenstein... Hopefully you make a full recovery!

No no no. You were supposed to drop the other kind of weight. The one that's attached to your body. Not on your hands.

Why the down votes? I thought this was really good

Ouch i feel your pain! Hope you make a quick recovery! Don't despair and start slow and easy.

well I'd say the lesson here is to put down the weights and pick up some chipotle!

wish u a quick recovery OP... go easy on weights while u r at it