
By Kait - 19/06/2019 08:07 - Canada - Newmarket

Today, I went on a Tinder date. Sort of. I got ready and went to the bar he'd chosen. I waited 15 minutes for him to show. We exchanged ”Hellos,” then he said he was going to grab a drink and walked off. He didn’t come back. Damn, was it the way I said, “Hello”? FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 010
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps you are photogenic? Most think that’s a blessing, but it’s really a curse. Some women look much better in pictures than they do in real life. He was probably disappointed with your real looks. Superficial prick, but then again, you are looking on Tinder.

He’s just not that into you... his loss!


He’s just not that into you... his loss!

look at it this way. you probably dodged a bullet.

The only reasonable explanation is you don't look like your pictures. A lot of guys won't say anything they'll just leave or do the date and never contact you again. Are your pics up to date?

Perhaps you are photogenic? Most think that’s a blessing, but it’s really a curse. Some women look much better in pictures than they do in real life. He was probably disappointed with your real looks. Superficial prick, but then again, you are looking on Tinder.

Well, while I understand it sucks - you put yourself out there and the guy turns out to be a douche - but at least you found out early. There are a lot of nicer people out there, and you deserve better than being treated like that!

xxWTFxx1981 23

I walked off on someone before call it superficial if you want but if you look nothing like your picture I feel you did it yourself... and would you rather him stay say hey I don't find you attractive then get up and leave...

are you by any chance 200lbs larger than you stated or using a picture of yourself from 10 years ago like some of my shitty tinder dates were ?

Maybe you are ugly. Maybe you have bad breath. Maybe you smell bad. Maybe he’s a jerk.

phybreawptic 13

Let's be honest here. You know why.