
By a_boring_snuffkin - 16/05/2020 02:00

Today, my friend needed to talk out bad feelings. Then she urged me to open up as well. I hate doing it, but it only seemed fair, so I confessed my deep insecurities. Not only did she agree with everything, but she also helpfully added that I'm boring, have no life and all my dreams are unattainable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 809
You deserved it 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your “friend” that in order for her to be a good friend is to have acceptance AND support from her too like you do. If she’s not ok with that then you should get rid of that toxic waste.

Your Friend is Horrible!! Find a new one!


Tell your “friend” that in order for her to be a good friend is to have acceptance AND support from her too like you do. If she’s not ok with that then you should get rid of that toxic waste.

Your Friend is Horrible!! Find a new one!

well, that is a terrible friend. do you think that she only likes you where you are at, rather than wanting to see you grow?