I read the news today, oh boy

By HeroZeroPlayer - 04/06/2022 06:00

Today, someone came in for an interview. For my position. I wasn’t informed that they were replacing me. I had to set up the room for this interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 020
You deserved it 67

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ha! Maybe this Great Replacement Theory is not a crazy conspiracy theory. You ought to smear dogshit on all the chairs in the room.

Michael Sawyer 11

look on the bright side, maybe nobody told you because they wanted to surprise you with a promotion.


Ha! Maybe this Great Replacement Theory is not a crazy conspiracy theory. You ought to smear dogshit on all the chairs in the room.

Michael Sawyer 11

look on the bright side, maybe nobody told you because they wanted to surprise you with a promotion.

kitten79TX 5

Is it possible they are expanding and hired not a replacement, but a co-worker? Don't jump to conclusions. Ask the management.