Ice age

By Drew - 16/01/2022 16:59

Today, my girlfriend was thoughtful enough to buy me some "Dude Wipes" because I work on construction sites and most of the time it's use a Porta Potty or hold it. I was late and decided I'd use the work potty. Grabbed my wipes, did my business., went to wipe and… FROZEN SOLID! Hell of a way to start my day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 018
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wipes are pre-moistened. Why his girlfriend froze them in the first place is the mystery here.


Wipes are pre-moistened. Why his girlfriend froze them in the first place is the mystery here.

I assume he lives in a cold climate and they froze in the car overnight. 5

Get a TP holder installed or bring your own TP.