Imagine what it would be like

By Anonymous - 07/09/2011 04:30 - United States

Today, I found out my 97-year-old Grandma has an imaginary 30-year-old boyfriend. I laughed until my mom said, "She's still doing better than you. You don't even have an imaginary boyfriend, let alone a real one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 174
You deserved it 10 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

woah, at least you have a 97 year old grandma.

Does this mean your grandma's an imaginary cougar?


Damn... You just got dissed... BY YOUR MOM! Hahahahahaha! but really that sucks:)

You shouldn't have laughed... Karma can be a bitch... ;)

You should ask your grandma if her imaginary boyfriend has a brother....

Thats what us get making fun of your granny like smh

Pfft, I would have laughed too, and since when is imaginary dating better than not dating at all. Who says dating someone makes you more valuable anyway?

Lt_Senpai 21