It burns

By WTF - 16/03/2011 22:05

Today, after my 22-year-old son realized that there was no more contact solution, he decided to use tequila because he thought it would "kill the germs." We had to go to the hospital to have his eyes flushed out. I raised this moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 519
You deserved it 12 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I hope you did the Pee Wee Herman Tequila dance in the ER waiting room. That woulda showed him.

idiot everyone knows your suppost to use vodka


Daisy_D 0

Omg so funny he sounds like a winner for sure

"I raised this moron" exactly. ydi ... old ***** may not be appropriate but you're still an old *****

lizzie1441 0

He had to of gotten this from manswers. :D

He had to have* seen this on Manswers. You're welcome.

scenequeen101 0

cheer up buttercup, they're having a joke!

doesnt water come out of the kitchen sink?? i see how you raised this moron!!!

jazziness 12
eradonnes 0

woooooo TEQUILA!!! *hicccup ahh shit how'd i end up in mexico...AMAAAAA!!!

czalc 0

What a waste of tequila! This guy is a moron!

Did this really happen?? Omg! Hahahahaha