Joe Smooth

By riiiight - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Warren

Today, I went on a blind date. The first thing the guy did was ask if I knew what it felt like to have spiders crawl out of my vagina. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 056
You deserved it 5 926


triplebeerox 27
iLike2Teabag 27

"Kinda like a penis, but with more legs"

#78 I now have an image in my head of a spider crawling out of a ****** and then a tiny voice saying "who's your daddy?" lol

I can't tell if that visual just ruined my day, or made my day....

Is that his unique way of asking if you're still a virgin? He seems like a special kind of boy >•

that is a good point. my sister mockingly asks me if I have cobwebs in mine. (considering how long its been since it has had a "visitor"...)

spiders makes cobwebs...O.o you must have the answer!

Did he just come out of the mental institution?

Steve95401 49

I think he rode to the date on the "short bus".

Singing "the itsy bitsy spider went up her water spout"?

graceinsheepwear 33

Now THAT'S a web of intrigue right there, albeit tangled and twisted...

He probably likes ladies who give birth to spiders.

Ask him if he knows what it feels like to have a ***** shoved down his urethra