
By bandeek - 23/10/2016 18:52

Today, my boyfriend and I fell asleep twice during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 066
You deserved it 2 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At that point just give up and go to sleep...

Well since you did it together, maybe it could be something you laugh about together and try it again when you're not too sleepy c:


You are not specifying which one of you fell asleep though...

Haha! Actually happens to a lot of people. Including me. That's because the euphoric effect relaxes you and hence sleepiness. Just admit to your partner that you want to sleep instead of sex. He'll understand.

Don't worry about it it happens. My girlfriend and I did this when we were totally smashed but horny. We just laughed about it in the morning and carried on where we left off. Still funny though