
By Karen - 05/03/2012 02:00 - United States

Today, in the middle of sex my boyfriend asked if he could use the bathroom. It would've been fine, if he didn't fall asleep on the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 591
You deserved it 3 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He probably finished himself off in the bathroom and fell asleep.

Maybe you just tired him out that much....


Bullheard 0

sounds lik he thought he could sleep **** agin

Nothing says sexy like dropping a deuce and passing out from the dookie fumes. Especially since it interrupted what could have been a good time.

GVirdi 11

Just gotta put on that sex face Go get em tiger! (it's a lame little reference to 20's picture... Go Away.) (yes I do know the difference between a tiger and a lion)

HannahWho 8

Sounds like he was just tired out. Just because you want sex right then does not mean the other person doesn't have needs. You guys should have sex during a time when one of you aren't exhausted.

MissHayleyJames 7

The problem with life is usually one of you will be exhausted. Sometimes you have to try anyway. Usually it ends in failure, but at least you tried.

I agree girls need to keep us interested! Keep it sexy!

someindiandude 6

I suggest your boyfriend get tested for Anaemia. Asleep you say, lack of oxygenated blood to the brain I say.

SaMmIMonster96 6

Well maybe we would if most guys would treat us better.. (not accusing you)

tripangelx8 4

my ex said it was something all girls thought was "cute"....guess shes crazier than I had previously believed.

Somebody got a pretty good workout!