
By Anonymous - 11/06/2022 16:00 - Germany

Today, I'm fit, but so exhausted from work that I hardly managed to even climb the stairs. Yet, as soon as I sit on the couch for longer than half an hour, my butt starts hurting. So I guess it’s either reading a book lying on my stomach, which makes my back hurt, or hanging upside down from the ceiling like a bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 797
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to see a doctor. Nerve pain and muscle weakness can be signs of various things -some being simple to treatment, some, not so much. If you are fit and struggling to walk up stairs by the end of the day, that is not normal!


They may be fit but just have some underlying back or nerve problems. Happens to athletes all the time.

You need to see a doctor. Nerve pain and muscle weakness can be signs of various things -some being simple to treatment, some, not so much. If you are fit and struggling to walk up stairs by the end of the day, that is not normal!

Have you thought about buying these reverse tables that allow you to read upside down like a bat?

sounds like some of the issues that I have. I have pinched nerves in my lower back. first go see a doctor to make sure that's what it is and if it is a chiropractor and a physical therapist will help a lot

tiptoppc 19

Check into some orthotics. You may be inducing back issues due to flat feet. My wife noticed it most during down time. Orthotics helped, but see your primary care physician. You could have a slipped or herniated disc, or in my case when sitting, sciatic nerve pain.