Late warning

By TheGestalt97 - 20/12/2019 05:00

Today, an email appeared in my inbox saying that the final this week that was supposed to be on Saturday has been moved forward to Thursday. It’s Friday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 198
You deserved it 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheGestalt97 11

hey this is op- I am aware that finals don’t usually happen on saturdays. when i submitted this it was tuesday, and I guess the fml mods changed the days.

redvibes23 14

Is the email marked with the time you got it? Maybe you can show the professor that if so. That really sucks though.


TheGestalt97 11

hey this is op- I am aware that finals don’t usually happen on saturdays. when i submitted this it was tuesday, and I guess the fml mods changed the days.

Lol they gotta make everyone's stories sound even worse/fake to get views...

if this is true, I love how this is how they spend their time...

redvibes23 14

Is the email marked with the time you got it? Maybe you can show the professor that if so. That really sucks though.

Why would anyone ever move something important like that to an EARLIER date/time?? If they had to reschedule, it should’ve been later rather than earlier. I’m sorry, OP.

TheGestalt97 11

the email had apparently been sent in advance, but i had been checking my email religiously including spam and i swear it didn’t show up until Tuesday. as in on Tuesday it was at the top of my inbox.

CinnamonSkullzUwU 3

unless I'm just dumb, that means you get more time to I wrong?