Leave me alone

By Anonymous - 23/06/2021 16:01

Today, I'm on a camping trip, and despite the lovely weather, I'm wearing long clothing so the mosquitoes can’t sting me. Unfortunately, nobody seems to have told THEM that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 723
You deserved it 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

I always use insect repellent. Not just for the unpleasant bites which can be annoyingly itchy as hell, but for ticks too which carry Lyme disease. Just a learning experience for you - prepare better next time and have a BLAST!


Marcella1016 31

I always use insect repellent. Not just for the unpleasant bites which can be annoyingly itchy as hell, but for ticks too which carry Lyme disease. Just a learning experience for you - prepare better next time and have a BLAST!