Let me go home, for a start

By Anonymous - 05/11/2022 10:00 - Thailand - Huai Khwang

Today, I'm at a company seminar on the topic "Employee Happiness." The goal is to figure how to improve happiness in our workplace. The mandatory agenda runs for 14 hours straight and requires me to be away from my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 316
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You get to avoid your family for 14 hours? For a lot of people, that's happiness.

Step 1) reduce the length of that meeting.


You get to avoid your family for 14 hours? For a lot of people, that's happiness.

Step 1) reduce the length of that meeting.

ODBeefalo 10

this seems to be more and more standard format for companies. "how can we improve XYZ" then hold a meeting which ends up completely ruining the entire point. My work does these for efficiency and accuracy of work. main problem: information from sales and foremen. solution: double check and provide more information. end result: workers on the floor should check anything non-standard with management and salespeople. we are custom and have no standard. Offer your opinions, tell them the meeting goes against the meeting and hope for the best.

Let's hope there's a two-hours lunch with good food, a wet bar, quality coffee, two 30-minute breaks with tea and pastries, enough massage therapists to give every one of you a one-hour massage, a motivational speech where the bosses tell you how awesome you are, and karaoke night.