Long ass

By Anonymous - 16/12/2023 23:00 - United States

Today, I went to the market and I was stuck in a long ass line for 10-15 minutes. To make things worse, in front of me was a guy bending down with his buttcrack all the way out. I couldn't eat anything after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 361
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Well, what do you expect when you stand in an ass line, as you put it yourself?

If seeing someone's butt crack is enough to make you lose your appetite, you need to grow a thicker skin.


Wadlaen 23

Well, what do you expect when you stand in an ass line, as you put it yourself?

If seeing someone's butt crack is enough to make you lose your appetite, you need to grow a thicker skin.