Loud and clear

By Anonymous - 16/05/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law got me a pair of $2 socks for my birthday. Usually, I don't care… until I found out she got my husband's friend, not even best friend, a $100 gift card, and offered him her free hotel room at the casinos. This is the fifth holiday in a row I've received gifts under $10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 437
You deserved it 77

Top comments

My ex m-i-l bought my wife a new purse, on my birthday, and told her "Happy Early Birthday." my wife's birthday is 3 months after mine.

Wadlaen 23

Is she single, on the lookout for a man, in any way? Because it seems like she's trying to bribe/buy your husband's friend...


I was married for 10 years. Neither my husband or I ever received a gift from his parents for any holiday. I just thought "so what?"

My ex m-i-l bought my wife a new purse, on my birthday, and told her "Happy Early Birthday." my wife's birthday is 3 months after mine.

Wadlaen 23

Is she single, on the lookout for a man, in any way? Because it seems like she's trying to bribe/buy your husband's friend...