Make it stop!

By DBR - 23/04/2009 10:45 - United States

Today, my alarm went off. I reached to swat it, missed, slipped, smacked my face on my dresser, and fell on the floor. As I picked myself up off the floor, I hit my head on the open top drawer of my other dresser. In 30 seconds of consciousness, I was attacked by two pieces of furniture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 893
You deserved it 11 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, but I think the OP deserved it for not wearing a helmet to bed. Totally unsafe.

you should sue whoever made the furniture.


Oh my gosh my friends would laugh if they saw me reading this story. Because they know all too well that I would totally do that. lol.

Trix_Disorder 20

Yeah, sounds like something I would do. Klutzes ftw.

#32 twilight rocks! (the books not the movie) lol :)

ohhhhshizzz 0

Agreed #32 & 39:) TWILIGHT FTW Bwahah, now someone is going to post a bullshit comment about how much Twilight, sucks. *******, also I have done that.

40 you are right first off this made me laugh. second Twilight freaking sucks. The author has killed the vampire legacy.... Vampires DO NOT go into light...but in twilight they do...they dont play baseball...but they do in this...omg so cool thats why thunder is so loud....and THE WORST THING is.....vegetarian vampires...W..T...F!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? NO! VAMPIRES SUCK HUMAN BLOOD! GAHHHH!!! DIAF Twilight

missus_butter 0

Today, you should worry about drowning every time you need to use the toilet, because today is just not your day. @#41: Vampires don't do or not do ANYTHING, because they are not real. I could claim vampires poop rainbows and I'd be no further off the mark than anyone else.

omg. happens to me like every single day. ******* hate mornings. #42: even though vamps don't exist doesn't mean we can't wish they did.

yeah I know how that is everytime my room phone rings while I'm asleep I jump/fall off of my bed and and hit my head on my dresser

lol i always wanna punch them back and make them hurt more