Man of mystery

By Anonymous - 22/02/2021 00:30

Today, I found a video of my fiance staring into the camera while deep-throating a dildo, and then putting it other places. I have no idea who/what it was for, or how to talk to him about this, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with his disinterest in me lately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 086
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you have either two choices, bite the bullet and have a possibly super uncomfortable but needed conversation. Or take this as motivation, tell him things aren't working out and figure out who leaves

ask him, and keep your lives private, just a suggestion...this isn't a fml, this is you needing to have a discussion with him, then maybe counciling if you two would like to go through with it.


I guess you have either two choices, bite the bullet and have a possibly super uncomfortable but needed conversation. Or take this as motivation, tell him things aren't working out and figure out who leaves


Maybe talk to him about it. It might be a kink for him or something, but talk to him. It could be for anyone for all we know.

Things come up in relationships that need to be discussed. And it's not always a comfortable talk. So, if you don't bring it up, it's going to fester and grow. So, if you want to understabd,,in hopes it's something you can handle, then you need to just say, "I cane across your dido video and think we need to discuss it." But don't be accusatory. Or, you can break up with him...and you should tell him it's because you found his video and it made you uncomfortable. It's tough, but...communication is key

ask him, and keep your lives private, just a suggestion...this isn't a fml, this is you needing to have a discussion with him, then maybe counciling if you two would like to go through with it.

tounces7 27

It's still an FML because the video VERY strongly suggests his sexual preferences are not women, or at least not only women, and he's already sending videos to some other guy.

They do need to talk, but this may very well be an FML. For one, this could be for another person, which is cheating. If not, it's still a heavy issue if he ends up not liking women. Counseling can't "fix" someone's sexuality as we desire who we desire. It all depends on how the conversation goes, but OP might need to be prepared to let him go.

ikecans 2

Exactly who needs the counseling and what for?

OOF, I feel ya. Years ago, I found a giant fist in the back of our closet with a bunch of women's clothing. Turns out he enjoyed wearing women's lingerie. I tried being supportive best I could. I left him two years later after he cheated on me. Best course of action though is to talk to him.

don't be such a proud, just show him his video as a surprise. then ask him if he is bi and what all he likes. who knows maybe this will bring you guys closer together.

Glitterbaby2613 20

maybe don't mention it to him but suggest some new ***** fun activity for your sex life 💯 maybe he's too embarrassed to bring anything up cuz he doesn't know what you would say

wear something tight, walk in with ***** and a whip, then ask where he wants it shoved. if he refers to you as anything other the mistress, correct him.

I think he's gone gay. You get to keep the ring, you know.

tounces7 27

Fiancé? Thank god you haven't legally become his "Beard" yet.