Mommy issues

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as I was picking up my 7 year-old daughter at my ex-husband's house, my daughter started crying saying that she wanted to stay with Daddy forever. I asked why. She said her stepmom was a better mommy. Apparently, the woman who broke up my marriage is now a better "Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 103 820
You deserved it 9 329

Same thing different taste

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Sometimes kids play off on parent against the other to get stuff. You know, step mummy's better because she lets me eat fast food, watch tv late... or something to try and get you to do the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


ty number 90 was about to say the same thing

BigMac_fml 0

You think that's bad? Shortly after my parents split, we got a dog, and then shortly after me and my Dad were kinda poking fun at each other like we sometimes do, all in good fun, and I go "haha how's it feel to be replaced by a dog?" Dad took it like a champ, but he's told me afterwards that that was without at doubt the most devestating zinger I've ever sent his way. I thought about it afterwards too.. what an asshole thing to say lmao.

#64 is seems to be one of the only ones who has it right. Stepmoms are always portrayed as these EVIL beings who MUST spoil the kid because that's the only way they could possibly get a child to like them. There's NO WAY she could be a good, caring person, right? Kids are much more perceptive than people give them credit for. They hear a lot more than you think they do. So when mommy's bitching about daddy & daddy's new wife to her girlfriends, they pick up on that. And when they see that daddy & daddy's new wife have a great stable relationship, they MAY just pick up on the fact that maybe mommy's the one that had/has the problem? Obviously this isn't always the case, but don't be so quick to bash the stepmom, because she very well may have more motherly instincts than the kids own mother. And no, I'm not saying that the original poster is a bad mother. I just hate when people automatically bash the stepmom or assume the kid doesn't understand.

oh, and whoever thinks stepmoms don't do any parenting, disciplining or guiding either had crappy step parents or have no idea what it's like to have a step in their life.

aww.... i remember my parents got divorced when i was six... until i was like 10 i hated my mom and loved my dad, and i was very mean to my mom. now it's just the opposite- me and my mom are great friends and i rarely talk to my dad. i only liked my dad better because when i whined he would always let me get my way, and he always took me out to eat. now i know better, and i know my mom is more responsible and has been responsible for turning me into the person i am today.!

Islander_fml 5

Sorry about your marriage. About your 7-year-old: those kids judge "better parent" based on stupid, ephemeral things. Wait 20 years, and if she still thinks the step-mom is a better mom, THEN you can feel truly hurt.

DCS1138 0

YDI for being a shitty wife AND a shitty mom.

withfire 0

You sound bitchy, the kid is probably right.

Been there and done that. Like what everyone has been saying, kids will say anything to get what they want and play the households. When the ex moved into town, I agreed to 50/50. Now the kids see what an ass he and his girlfriend really are.