Mommy's bravest little boy

By Anonymous - 19/05/2020 20:00

Today, my boyfriend of 9 months asked me to park in a parallel street from where he lives when dropping him off. Why? Because his mom might see me. He's 32. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 539
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s a red flag. You two need to have a chat about your relationship.

Probably not afraid of his mom but his wife ..


That’s a red flag. You two need to have a chat about your relationship.

dahthunderbird 8

if ur underage then you had it coming, if you are like 13 i would feel sorry for you, but all aside you have to get away from him asap.

13 is underage. Anything under 18 is underage. But also, it’s probably safe to assume that OP is of legal age since 1, they’re driving, and 2, their boyfriend is 32.

dahthunderbird 8

thats why i said "if" grammar, it can be a lifesaver🤣

dahthunderbird 8

also i got my license when i was 16, so joke's on you 😉

dragonladiesfire 19

Is it really his mom? Not another lover? if its his mom, leave him. She shouldn't have a problem meeting you. if its another lover, leave him. that's not okay.

Probably not afraid of his mom but his wife ..

Sounds to me it’s not his mom but a wife or a girlfriend. Definitely a red flag RUN!!!

tounces7 27

Whoever he is trying to avoid seeing you, will ALWAYS be more important to him than you in his life. Keep that in mind.

Mathalamus 24

Seems like everyone missed the possibility of a really really overbearing mother.

DoctorPALO 14

But...if he's 32, shouldn't he be living on his own?

mccuish 25

Maybe she is crazy and he gets bugged about everything he does and doesnt want to deal with it again OR he needs to grow up

Run. Once a mama's boy, always a mama's boy. She'll become one of those mothers that is always in your business and shows up uninvited constantly, tries to dictate how to raise any future kids you may have, interfere with your relationship, etc. Again, RUN.