By Darren - 31/08/2020 04:01 - Australia - Greenacre

Today, during my second shift back at work after missing four weeks for knee surgery, I stabbed myself in the hand and now need three weeks off for that surgery. Just as I'm up for a promotion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 515
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're doing it on purpose, right? Admit it. All jokes aside, get well soon. Hope it is nothing too serious :)

coius 23

I had surgery on my shoulder for a SLAP tear and if took two months with therapy to regain use of my dominant arm. Worst part is, it still has limitations far from before the injury.


You're doing it on purpose, right? Admit it. All jokes aside, get well soon. Hope it is nothing too serious :)

bloopaloop 27

Do you really need 3 weeks away from work for hand surgery???

coius 23

I had surgery on my shoulder for a SLAP tear and if took two months with therapy to regain use of my dominant arm. Worst part is, it still has limitations far from before the injury.

yes, healing takes time, and rehab can take longer.

guess you won't be getting that promotion then