Needed to know

By ohwell - 09/06/2009 21:40 - United States

Today, I finally confessed to the guy I've liked for two years. I told him that I've really liked him for a long time, and that I knew he had a girlfriend and I didn't expect anything from him, I just wanted him to know. His response? "Are you done? 'Cause I need to go to the bathroom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 414
You deserved it 17 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait 2 years and confess when he has a gf? Mm-HM.

Well, you weren't expecting anything from him.... and if he had a girlfriend why bother? if he liked you he would be dating you not her.


candiigirl456 0

#35 y r u singin the climb. nd wat does YDI mean =( nd true u kinda had 2 expect tht, he has a girlfriend u probably would've had a better chance if u told him when he was single. seriously. move on. but sorry tho.

greatnt249 0

"She wanted to get it off her plate!" But at the same time she put the dude in an awkward situation. Not considering how what she said could affect others is a selfish act on her part, thus explaining why a lot of people have little to no sympathy for what she did. "and he didn't have to be so rude about it." He didn't have to be nice about it either.

TrashMama 0

Perhaps not the most ethical move. It's about the sisterhood, you know? I don't hit on your boyfriend/husband, you don't hit on mine? Just my take on life. *shrug* Each to her own.

Why are people calling this guy an ass hole? Maybe he really had to piss. Haven't you guys ever held your piss for so long it you were ready to explode? Maybe you shouldn't have waited two years. Grow some nutz.

I've heard about girls like you. Pathetic. Get your own toys.

how do we know that he hasn't had that girlfriend for the full 2 years and the OP just couldn't stand it anymore and had to at least try?

Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaaahahahhhahahahhaahahhahahhahaahah. Loser. XD