Nice neighborhood

By Mrs. W. - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Las Vegas

Today, a kid on a bike passed me and commented on my "big fat butt." Recognizing him from the neighborhood, I told my husband to go speak to his parents about the inappropriate comment. It turns out his father is the man who yesterday commented on my "big bouncing tits." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 929
You deserved it 2 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shepardkinz 19

Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Just ignore them if you can but if they keep pestering you then report them


Why did you go to your husband? Go yourself.

Because this guy (and his kid) clearly don't respect women enough to take OP serious. Not to mention she probably feels quite embarrassed and doesn't want to be harassed yet again.

But OP didn't know that the creepy guy was the kids father before she send her husband, so she didn't know that the dad was an idiot as well.


Wow what nice complements those neighbors of yours seem like good people and not creepy perverts aren't you lucky

Slap the father across his face if he does that again and for the kid well you can stop him and have a talk with him if he ever does that again and yes tell the mother/wife maybe she'll take care of it. I hate men who don't respect women.

he meant phat ass, not fat ass. it's a compliment...well intended to be. just lacks class

sounds like two compliments that came out wrong!!!! (glass half full)

Equating harassment to compliments is like saying that the glass is half-full when somebody robs your house because "at least they thought you had really cool stuff". It's not meant to make somebody feel good about themselves, and it doesn't.

How do we have licenses for driving, but not for procreation?

consumer1234567 4

is it really that big of a deal that a young boy liked your butt..omg a young male looked at me call the presses.