No cussing

By jdsksoapy - 30/03/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, my parents punished me and made me wash my mouth out with soap for cursing. I'm almost 19. I said the word "Hell". FML
I agree, your life sucks 211 132
You deserved it 35 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SwordSlasher 0

Try "Heck!" or if really moved "Fiddlesticks!"


freddie_fml 0

Time to leave home, buddy. Your of an age where you can be supporting yourself, your parents shouldn't be able to keep you under their thumbs like this any longer.

Perhaps you should watch your ******' mouth?

rinaldy 0

yikes i think it's time to find a life of ur own my friend

jalaluddin 0

...and you actually did it?

My dad's favorite word to use is "fuckshit." Very different parents, that sucks.

Tell your parents that you're a gay, pro-choice, atheist. Then, go to the store and get fake piercings and temporary tattoos. Then, tell them to, "Leave me the **** alone, I'm motherfucking 19 now, you can't control me, assholes." Oh, and leave around a few condoms in your room, one opened wrapper, and listen to their least favorite music (preferably a song about the devil or something of that nature). :D And THEN move out. Guaranteed for some good laughs.

starshine3987 0

Time to MOOOVVVVEEEE OOOOUUUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xiloveyoux3 0

uhm, those are some uptight parents. I wonder how it is to live with them.

To everyone who is saying "move out" and "leave", that's easy for you all to just say, but moving out requires a lot of money, planning and isn't something that everyone can just "do instantly", sheesh...