No escape

By natty - 16/03/2009 16:02 - United States

Today, I went to a party and the cops came to bust the party. I jumped out the window of a second story house in order to avoid getting arrested. I broke my leg in three places and got a concussion. The cops let everyone go with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 304
You deserved it 203 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhantomMask 0

Why didn't you just hide in the closetor something?

MistAtMarseilles 0

hahah this is awesome, id love to see that and #1, obviously he/she was drunk, the window probably seemed like the fail-proof option at the time


But I'm sure it looked cool how you jumped out the window. : D

ssuseawolves2011 0

You can't fall 15 feet without breaking yourself? This is less "FML," and more, "My life fails."

ramonajay 0

hahaha, one of my friends did this at her own house when it was just her and her roommate. the cops came, she ran and jumped out of her second story window and landed on her face and then walked right into the other cop who gave her a mip. her face was unrecognizable for 3 months

crazydoug 0

haha @ #56 btw is this from a walton high school prom??????????

The best part about this is I know who this is, hahahhahah

Ouch, that sounds painful! I wish you a speedy recovery. Try to avoid those types of parties. Best regards, S P.S. #29, 36, 57, I also go to Walton, who are you? ...That's all the same person. Why would you post three times!?

im guessing underage. this is why kids who aren't legal shouldnt drink. you make dumb decisions. This post also reinforced - the majority of the people here are underage. Seriously you guys can be retarded. im more shocked that people clicked your life is effed. you OBVIOUSLY deserved this one.

ideclarewar 0