No good deed…

By Dinho - 15/05/2009 21:22 - United States

Today, I was in a public bathroom, when a little boy walked in and he had an 'accident'. He asked if I could help him clean it up, so I decided to help. I started to walk to him to assist him. That's when I walked straight into the pee and slipped. My whole back was covered in pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 114
You deserved it 6 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

Uhhhh... I'm trying really hard, but can't think of anything redeeming about this situation. XD Good on you for helping, though.

Same as #4. That's really awful/gross. Points for helping though.


apatts 0

you were gona touch a random kid to clean up... ******* pedo

why in the hell wud u engage in touching a little boy in the bathroom in the first place? lol

X3liteXHunterX 12

55- That was my thought exactly.

DodgeDanpei 0
Trix_Disorder 20

Uhhhh... I'm trying really hard, but can't think of anything redeeming about this situation. XD Good on you for helping, though.

Same as #4. That's really awful/gross. Points for helping though.

bco12 0

err you couldn't see what part of the floor was wet and what wasn't?

Curtieeeez 0

Ow ): At least you helped, or tried to (: (It's funny how there's an advert for an autistic school on the right xD)

laura171717 0

Why would you walk on the part of the floor that looked wet? Nice of you to help though. =)

This is what i call an FML. XD Btw, there have been a lot of fmls that involve children in situations like these..