No no fap season

By WhatTheactual - 15/10/2022 04:00

Today, I had a very hot sex dream about my female coworker. It was so good I woke up practically rock hard, jerked off, and had an amazing orgasm. There’s just one problem: I’m a gay guy, in a committed relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 437
You deserved it 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure you're gay? Maybe bisexual? Maybe a heteroromantic gay guy? Homoflexible? Again, are you sure you're gay?

It's 2022, man! It's OK to be straight-curious these days. Back in the bad old days, you had to treat women as beards. Now, it's acceptable for you to recognize them as sexy!


You sure you're gay? Maybe bisexual? Maybe a heteroromantic gay guy? Homoflexible? Again, are you sure you're gay?

Doom_Kitty 12

I really don't get why this is a problem. You're attracted to an attractive person?

It's 2022, man! It's OK to be straight-curious these days. Back in the bad old days, you had to treat women as beards. Now, it's acceptable for you to recognize them as sexy!

mccuish 25

Eh, it's a dream, plenty of random stray thoughts coalesced into some sort of vaguely recognizable pattern. There's nothing inherently deeper about it - And there's not really a problem if there is, tbh. Sex dreams aren't excluded from the presumption that dreams generally don't have literal meanings. There could be some sort of emotion rolling around in you right now - And it's not even necessarily attraction of any sort. Could be anything from stress and anxiety to general anticipation or elation. I'm not a dream interpreter. But I'm sure there's plenty of resources out there to help you square away any curiosity you have about what it might mean.

Guess what? You're not totally gay. There I said it.