Noise annoys

By guiltyschuldig49 - 28/05/2020 14:00

Today, and for months, my upstairs neighbor has been stomping on their floors, hard enough to shake our walls. We thought it was their child, but found out it’s the mother. She took up running, and due to the pandemic, she does it in the living room. She's already been told to stop. Repeatedly. I work 12-hour nights. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 829
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

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Do some people just not understand that you CAN leave the house to do that?

Unfortunately it’s now time to let the Police know about the situation. I’m sure you’ve tried being nice. There’s already a war going on between you and them. Once they’re fined, or taken to court, the noise should stop. Or it’s time for you to move.


Do some people just not understand that you CAN leave the house to do that?

Mathalamus 24

Maybe she didn't think it was safe.

This is why you get an apartment on the top floor. Not sympathetic, and when the lockdown is over and she can go out, it'll stop.

Top floor? Yes, because CLEARLY all buildings have one free to rent at any time. There's no martial law happening, you can physically walk out of your house to do stuff like that.

I'm sure your "night work" ;) generates some pretty disturbing noises, too.

Yeah it does. Like beeping IVs and code blues being called on the overhead speaker.

Unfortunately it’s now time to let the Police know about the situation. I’m sure you’ve tried being nice. There’s already a war going on between you and them. Once they’re fined, or taken to court, the noise should stop. Or it’s time for you to move.

Here’s your problem. You “Told” her to stop. Did you ask? Or offer a time which suits both of you? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Here’s the problem. When you live in a building with other people you need to be respectful. Running and stomping around is NOT.

Everyone who has lived in an apartment knows that you'll have to deal with noise upstairs if you are not on the top floor. Even before I moved into one I knew this.

Every one knows (and I live above some one) that you need to be respectful of everyone and understand that it’s everyone’s home. Stomping around and running around your apartment is a selfish thing to do. Respect one another.

Some noise is fine, we’ve had four or five other families living in that apartment before them with no issues, but when it’s so bad it causes our walls to creak and shake, it’s a problem.

tulsy42 6

Umm she’s aloud to run outside