
By ScarredEars - 12/08/2010 12:02 - United States

Today, I heard my parents having sex. It wouldn't have been so bad if we weren't in the same hotel room. They thought I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 356
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have started farting, nothing kills the mood like a wet fart.


DaTexasBoy 0

How do you think you got here? duh...

budbro 7
lightning7 0

you should have suddenly turned around and taken a picture

heavyhitterafi 0

you should have joined in 

haha I agree with 12. just once they finish say something completely unrelated. it'd be pretty splendid.

zimbry 0

ewwww my parentals did the same thing! it was gross!