
By Anonymous - 18/11/2009 01:08 - United States

Today, I was waiting at an intersection. Across from me, a car was approaching when a bunny ran out. Trying to save it, I flashed my lights and beeped at the car crazily, and the bunny turned around. The lights turned, and as I drove forward the bunny came back out and I hit it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 698
You deserved it 7 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyKaya 0

YDI for trying to distract a driver. Car accidents kill, you know. If he had put on his brakes suddenly, swerved, or anything because of you making him think there was a big emergency, people could have died. Although I'm not really sure what YOU got here that you deserved. The bunny didn't deserve anything... Before I get hated on... I'm not anti-saving-animals. But I am anti-putting-the-safety-of-a-rabbit-before-human-lives.

liz1908 0

Sounds like it's wabbit season to me.


LadyKaya 0

YDI for trying to distract a driver. Car accidents kill, you know. If he had put on his brakes suddenly, swerved, or anything because of you making him think there was a big emergency, people could have died. Although I'm not really sure what YOU got here that you deserved. The bunny didn't deserve anything... Before I get hated on... I'm not anti-saving-animals. But I am anti-putting-the-safety-of-a-rabbit-before-human-lives.

#1 said it. Traffic is serious business.

I totally agree with you. Besides, rabbits taste delicious.

Exactly what I thought when I read this.. OP could have potentially caused a wreck over something totally ridiculous.

wolfpep 0

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Rabbits breed faster and have shorter lives. So objectively a human life is more valuable than a rabbit's. On the other hand possibly not these idiots that keep QQing about stupid shit. Also based on this logic a turtle's life is more valuable than a human's.

Rabbits do this all the time, as well as marmots, beavers, and a variety of rodents. They don't understand the concept of roads. Your best bet is to just keep driving and hope they don't **** up.

The danger in this is evolution. If all the retarded rabbits die out only intelligent ones will be left behind. Over time they could overthrow the human race.

I love #21's comment. I wish more people would run out into streets with this logic.

iwannafuckyaman 0

I will agree with you when bunnies find the cure to aids. also... a bunny is like a mexican child... you can kill a couple and there are thousands left at home. not even their parents would miss them.

WhatANoob 0

21 had a good answer. BUNNYS FOREVER

YDI because trying to save a rabbit is pointless because even if it dosnt get runned over by a car its gonna eating by a wolf or choke on carrot and what not

nateb1tch 1

Yeah, in all retrospec human lives are literally nothing compared to life. And rodents don't understand roads due to us abruptly placing them in their habitat.

wow you're a moron who puts human lives at risk to save a rabbit? YDI

Seriously. If someone flashed their lights at me, I'd assume someone was wrong and try to figure out what the situation is. I'd be furious if I discovered they were only trying to point out a bunny.

Wow, your all so damn pesamistic, with car safety these days the chances of your brakes actualy locking up allowing you to swerve are next to none.

wolfpep 0

Bam, world gets hit by a massive meteor, everyone dies. Who gives a ****? Universe goes on. Point is, your no more important than that rabbit. (|X Yeah humans and their self-awareness, what a great thing right? FYL for killing a rabbit, your brain feels bad! Just because rabbits aren't self-aware, doesn't lower their importance, life is valuable no matter how developed the brain is. Because your self-awareness won't save you when im firin ma lazorz.

cucuto89 0

to humans, that bunnies not important, to the universe, the earth isn't important. Its all a matter of perspective, and from where i'm standing that bunny isn't a big deal

Mx_Rider 6

everyone its just a bunny,oh noezzz

crzyry 6

Sounds to me like you risked your life as well as the lives of other people to try and save a bunny with an obvious death wish.

Intellectualist 0

Have you ever heard of the book of bunny suicides? Google it, and educate yourself.

liz1908 0

Sounds like it's wabbit season to me.

YDI for not jumping in front of the other car and sacrificing yourself for the rabbit.

jisatsu 0

God you Scared, threatened, then Blinded the Bunny. Then took it further and killed the bastard and! You got a FML post out of its tragic death that you caused. SMH!

thats wut u get for tryna save a bunni. I like them... when theyre on mii plate with spices! yummmmy!!!