Not now, dude

By Anonymous - 25/10/2014 18:44 - United States - Montgomery

Today, I was hugging my girlfriend after she had a really bad day at work, when she burst into tears and started sobbing. For some reason that I'll never understand, it gave me a hard-on. She felt it, and now she thinks I'm a sick bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 185
You deserved it 7 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In all honesty I think it may be the closeness of the hug combined with the psychological reasoning that she really trusts you is what gave you the hard-on

This happened to me once, dicks have a mind of their own


The same thing happened on this CC show Whitney!: P

This happens to me almost every time I hug this girl I really like. I don't know if she's noticed, she's never said anything about it, but I just turn my lower body a little or back it up

I suggest, Let me do the hugging next time!:P

Hitdadeck10 2

That happens to my boyfriend too.. I will never understand it, but it does make me laugh

When I'm feeling upset, for some reason my boyriend gets a hard-on too. He doesn't know why and he just thinks it's because the hugging and stuff. Now I can laugh about it when it happens. So don't worry!

Maybe because youre hugging her tightly?