Not the sharpest tool

By Anonymous - 15/02/2021 17:01

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Why? Her six old likes me more than her. I hate kids. I stayed with her in spite of her son, because I love her. For some reason she thought I was going to leave her and take her kid with me. So she broke up with me first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 104
You deserved it 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I feel bad for the kid. First off you don't want to take the father role, which I don't blame you, not many want to. Second, he's probably going to deal with a bad mother, and I can speak from personal experience that my mom became mentally abusive, and threatens to be physically abusive because "she's jealous I love my father more".

zhawk316 5

Good. You were never going to last if you were there “in spite of her kid.” You aren’t a bad guy but that was a bad relationship for you to be in. No kid should have to go thru a relationship where the “father” is not taking on a “father” role.


zhawk316 5

Good. You were never going to last if you were there “in spite of her kid.” You aren’t a bad guy but that was a bad relationship for you to be in. No kid should have to go thru a relationship where the “father” is not taking on a “father” role.


I feel bad for the kid. First off you don't want to take the father role, which I don't blame you, not many want to. Second, he's probably going to deal with a bad mother, and I can speak from personal experience that my mom became mentally abusive, and threatens to be physically abusive because "she's jealous I love my father more".

1. if you hate kids and were just putting up with the kid, thrn good. 2. she's an idiot, because you couldn't legally take her kid if you left her. 3. I bet she figured out you hate her kid and that's the real reason she dumped you. 4. don't just put up with kids, date a person who isn't a mom.

I'm a single parent. I would dump you in a heartbeat if I heard "I love you despite your child". A child isn't an STD. Plenty of men want to be step parents and would love both the child and the mother. As for the other stuff... Don't know the entire story. She may have left you because her child was getting attached and you didn't really want to be involved. All men...unless you WANT KIDS and are willing to be a step parent DON'T DATE women with kids. You're wasting their time and your own.