One man band

By Anonymous - 27/09/2022 01:30 - United States

Today, my bandmates showed up to our gig drunk. Our drummer kept losing the rhythm and the lead guitarist was more concerned about staying drunk than playing the right notes. In the middle of a song, they both gave up, put down their instruments, and kept sipping a beer, while at least cheering me on while I finished it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 162
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

time to cut them loose and find replacements

The Replacements were from Minneapolis and were big in the 80s. They shouldn't be too hard to find.


Cheering you on while you finished what? Your beer?

Jon Tessler 14

time to cut them loose and find replacements

The Replacements were from Minneapolis and were big in the 80s. They shouldn't be too hard to find.

tiptoppc 19

Your Band should relabel themselves as “The Lowlifes” It won’t be a hit!