Pipe down, Brenda

By Anonymous - 20/05/2016 19:38 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my soon-to-be mother-in-law decided that she is going to be in charge of planning my wedding. All decisions must be approved by her, and anything she doesn't like will be thrown out. She also wants to go on our honeymoon with us to make sure I don't "defile" her son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 955
You deserved it 1 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her to go flippity flappity f**k herself and that she could do that in her marriage not yours


Jillene 8

Oh girl if you marry this man you also will marrying her. She will be in your 'business' constantly!! Your finance will never stand up to his mother, she will always be right. He will side with his mother before he will side with you. It will cause you tremendous pain and just imagine when you have children. I really feel for you OP. Been there done THAT!! Good Luck!!

I sense a mommy boy. OP, it's time to take the fight before it's too late.

How are you defiling him if you're getting married?

Yeah if she doesn't stop and keeps trying to throw stuff out of the wedding that she doesn't like, then uninvite her. And tell her point blank she is not coming to the honeymoon. I know conflict can be hard and you don't want to get off on a bad foot and with a big family feud, but your mother in law is being very unreasonable and needs to know this is not acceptable. I would suggest meeting with her with your fiance and assertively and calmly explaining that whislt you appreciate her help, you are both grown and you are going to be in charge of the wedding, not her. Moreover, you are both in love and will be going on the honeymoon alone. If you need to, get others to back you up and seek some counselling or a family advice line to get some support in how to handle this. Know your rights and explain that if she does not back off, then you will not be seeing her any longer.

HELL NO! That is the most insane and illogical reaction and you and your groom have to stop this now!

$60 at the local court house and you're married. Show her the marriage license and then tell her that you're going to ride her son like Seabiscuit all honeymoon long.