By tamp - 22/06/2009 07:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I took a late night drive, and after a while he stopped at a gas station and asked if I wanted anything. I replied, "Guess." He came out and gave me a box of tampons. Apparently, I've been bitchy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 539
You deserved it 71 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least he isn't afraid to buy you tampons, most boyfriends would find that awkward.


at least he isn't afraid to buy you tampons, most boyfriends would find that awkward.

LostInLife94 29

maybe u should have just said guess. Maybe girlfriends should tell boyfriends what is on their minds, maybe they should tell them if they want anything, what exactly it is they want? Ever think of that? And if they dont want anything, maybe they could say no, nicely since the boyfriends are being nice and askin! like **** TELL US WHAT YOU WANT, or YDI.

monkeyz0r 0

by your username im guessing your a girl posing as a guy, and jeez pull that stick out of ur ass

mcsnelly 5

um...they were at a gas station and he was asking her if she wanted anything...who WOULDN'T assume that she was saying guess what kind of drink/snack i want...not because she wants him to read her mind, but because she just wants him to pick something out for her because she's not picky.

Hich17 0

Then say "anything", or "surprise me", or any of those socially acceptable things people say to portray that meaning.

malcolm1919 0
noonecaresurfat 0

hmm my advice would be stop being a bitch

that's something I would do, my girlfriend doesn't appreciate my jokes either but still YDI :P lighten up a bit Maybe? hahaha

HAHA lighten up, your boyfriend has a great sense of humour.