Pranks for all ages

By atleastshelldiefirst - 13/10/2012 00:18 - United States

Today, I was grocery shopping, when an elderly lady walked up to me and tripped over her own feet. I caught her by the arm, at which point she shrieked at me for "groping" her. She ended up smirking as security threw me out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 978
You deserved it 1 801

Same thing different taste

Top comments


27- I have three cats. And my theory is this: They were meant to take over the world one home at a time when the mother ship tells them. But we make them to lazy and comfortable for them to even notice the transmission between napping, eating and being brushed. We appease our furry masters.

Wow, so I haven't used this in a while... But I can't help it! The 90's called, they want their meme back.

I think the fellow behind you already knows... O.O

People wonder why other people don't help with anything.

perdix 29

That's why you always go for the *******! No matter what you are going to be accused of grabbing them, you might as well get the millisecond of pleasure from quick squeeze since you're going to be dealing with the punishment afterwards.

I just can't imagine anyone getting even a millisecond of pleasure from squeezing an old lady's boob...

perdix 29

Don't knocker 'em til you've tried 'em ;)

elderly people act like they weren't young once too in my opinion, so they're always trying to get the younger in trouble.

Security didn't even want to listen to your side of the story?

They always take the elderly's side. Since they seem rather innocent and harmless but on the inside they are made of pure venom. Well, some of them.

Do people not have ANY respect anymore? Damn! You did the right thing mate, just people are ungrateful sods nowadays! And like the others say I'm loving the name :)