
By Anonymous - 18/08/2022 12:00

Today, I agreed to anal with my boyfriend, but when I told him anal takes prep, like stretching and lubing, and you can’t just jam a knob up there like in a porno, he lost all interest, asked for a blowjob, and when I said no, he started sulking. I struggle to remember why I’m with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 277
You deserved it 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you can't remember why you are with him, then why are you with him? stop wasting your time and find someone more suited to you

Seems like a very odd deal breaker, I mean obviously if anal isn't a good experience for both parties it's not going to happen again...


Why would you want to be with a guy who you don't want to blow on-demand? I'm flummoxed.

You wrote this comment just because you wanted to use the word "flummoxed", admit it. We all know it.

No, that's not what I'd consider an impressing word. When you see me use "ultracrepidarian," then you'll know I'm showing off.

if you can't remember why you are with him, then why are you with him? stop wasting your time and find someone more suited to you

Seems like a very odd deal breaker, I mean obviously if anal isn't a good experience for both parties it's not going to happen again...

crackbombz 8

Not sure why this is suck a big deal. The guy was super horny and was bummed out he couldn’t even get head. Just take one for the team and pop that sucker in your mouth