Red flag

By Anonymous - 17/05/2024 13:00 - United States - Anaheim

Today, my boyfriend is so insanely insecure that he actually got jealous when a nearly 80 year-old man told me I had a beautiful smile while grocery shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 451
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrizBurry 9

RED FLAG. you are always allowed to be complimented and to accept those compliments


BrizBurry 9

RED FLAG. you are always allowed to be complimented and to accept those compliments

angus 7

Red red flag…. Run. Fast.

That's probably a preview of what's to come. Run. All kinds of abuse to look forward to if you don't.

d j mom 5

sweetie, jealousy like that is Not adorable and 'OMG he loves me so much!!' it's a big red flag of a man who is going to abuse you or worse. Run now!!!

This is what the words 'Red Flag' mean. It's a textbook definition of it, in fact. Run, Forest, run!