
By kitkat545 - 15/06/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, my husband called me from work just to chat. He asked what I had been up to today. I was feeling frisky so I told him all about how I had gotten horny, watched a porno and masturbated earlier. It wasn't until I heard the hoots and laughter that I realized he had me on speakerphone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 065
You deserved it 50 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...Why would he call you up 'just to chat' and put you on speakerphone? That's just rude.

And that's why you don't talk about things like this on phone...


bollywood_rocks 0

OP, I always say keep your private business private. he may have been multitasking so he put you on speaker to be ab;e to use his hands for other important stuff. Even if you weren't on speakerphone,should you really be wasting his company's time by having phone sex(if he was at work at the time). Sorry but YDI since I think stuff like this should be only talked about in the privacy of the bedroom

smilessss 4

important stuff like jacking off?

I don't know what kind of phone your husband was using, but I can always tell when I'm on speakerphone. Particularly in a work environment, where there is sure to be someone making sounds in the background. The only way I can see you not noticing that you were on speaker to begin with, is that he waited until you started talking, then put you on when he realized the chance to show off to the other guys. Which is a FYL for having a husband like that, but still YDI for even giving him that call at work. Did you want to make the guy stand at attention in the middle of the office?

Blue_Coconuts 7

22 got it right. Your husband is now "the man" at work. And, to the people going "Guys don't call 'just to chat', he must be gay" etc etc, you don't know the circumstances of where he is. Maybe he's on a business trip.

#35: She must've been too horny to notice the background.

I call *my* wife just to chat all the time... IMO? FYL, he should have told you you were on speakerphone. Nothing wrong with trying to get him thinking about you at work so he'll be nice and preheated by the time he gets home!

You fail on all accounts of everything.

askbobby96 0

Must be nice to have a job where you can call "just to chat". I'm calling this fake, being I don't think most men would get a kick out of embarrasing their wife in front of anyone, let alone co-workers. But, if it's true, YDI. Don't talk about stuff like that on the phone.