By Anonymous - 06/01/2022 07:01 - United Kingdom - Bolton

Today, I watched my grandmother's funeral on a webcam. She died at 95 because the overwhelmed hospital kept putting back her pacemaker operation. I hadn't seen her in two years. Fuck Covid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 475
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

even before the vaccine people could have distanced, worn masks, stayed home if sick but alas, it is #totesagainstmyfreedom... **** stupid people, this includes antivaxxers.


even before the vaccine people could have distanced, worn masks, stayed home if sick but alas, it is #totesagainstmyfreedom... **** stupid people, this includes antivaxxers.

**** the unvaccinated assholes who extended the pandemic that overwhelms the health care system. The ruined 2021 for the rest of us.

rudico67 8

No, **** all the ******** Trumpsters who think the vaccine is the government's way of controlling us. I'm very sorry about the loss of your gma. My condolences.