Road rage gone feral

By 16590 - 15/06/2012 22:13 - Sweden

Today, while I was driving home, some jackass in an open-top sports car overtook us and flipped me off. Just as I overtook him in turn, my wife rolled down her window, pulled out her tampon, and launched it at the kid. I'm not sure who was more horrified, me or him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 329
You deserved it 4 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ewall22 0

What if that guy turned out to be your boss or landlord someday

The chances of that seem pretty slim...

Not if he called him 'kid' the guy in the other car was probably younger for one thing

what does age have to do with being someones boss?

lovepandorasaver 11

If it was, after that experience I bet he would switch jobs so he didn't work for a young punk beeatch(the sitter)

delamer 8

I normally don't find tampons hilarious, but I thought this was! How crazy! LOL

two4cheez 4

You know what else is weird? The way weird is spelled. It doesn't follow the "I" before "e" except after "c" rule. :O

But ancient follows the I before e rule

mishkaroni 15

#256 - no, no it doesn't. I before e except after c. In the case of ancient, the I is before the e still, while the rule states it should be flipped following the c.

LO388 7

256 - But it's after c, so it "should" be reversed.

hotPinklipstick 24

Your picture is exactly what I thought of when I read this.

I thumbed you up cause your wife has bigger balls than you do, show those damn punks what's up... With a dirty tampon.

radioedit 7

Women will do crazy shit while on their rag. But wow

If you had raging pain in your stomach all the time for 5 days straight you would do crazy shit to ya bastard