Rude boy

By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 19:16

Today, while shopping with my 6-year-old daughter, she said, "Mommy, remember you wanna get duck tape!" A middle-aged guy nearby scoffed and told her, "DUCT, not DUCK. Dumb cunt." I ended up having to drive my bawling daughter home, with no shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 609
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I still call it duck tape because I use it to tape the mouths of quacking idiots like that guy. What a bird brain.

You should have popped that douche in his mouth . Any guy that talks like that deserves an ass whooping.


bunnylady08 13

considering there Is a brand of duct tape called "duck tape", I wish I could congratulate the man who 'outsmarted' the 6 year old

what a dick head of a man what an asshole

I would've cussed him tf out!!! You don't make a six yo cry!!!

Charles900 16

You should have bought the duct tape anyway and used it to tape his mouth shut, do this whole world a favor. Not only is he a prick, he's an idiot.

What a fuckface! I hope you called him out on this behavior OP and made him cry in return.

At least you showed restraint. I wouldn't have showed any.

That deserves, shall we say, a forthright and vigorous response. Anyone who spoke like that to one of my kids would know that they'd upset us.

I would've punched that guy in the throat if he made my child cry. What an ass!

rockyhorrorQT 12

Wow what is wrong with some people? That guy needs a beating and a hobby if that's the biggest bother in his life.